Wednesday, March 8, 2006

Pride is a sin.

We've all heard this and reminded ourselves and others to maintain a humble lifestyle and outlook at all things. Except, we don't and especially so on the internet.

Everytime you log in what is among the first things you check on your blog? For myself, how many comments did I get at the blogspot? How many feathers did I ruffle on the Xanga? Then based off of the comments and email replies, we (surely it cannot only be me?!) privately reaffirm our popularity and acceptability in general society through our online interactions.

We pride ourselves based upon how many comments, positive comments at that, we have recieved within a give period of time.

As it is Lent, this must be corrected. No, that is wrong. Pride should not only be reigned in during Lent, it is to be our lifestyle. We are to be found blameless in the eyes of the Lord.

Go and sin no more. It's a difficult phrase, not so much to understand, or to dream of getting to that point of godliness and holiness, but much more so in attaining that goal God has set for us. Every sin we commit tears at the Lord's patience in us, for it is not infinite patience and it does have a fierce end. Just as our mothers tell us in childhood that we are to learn from our mistakes, so to must we learn from our sins. If we do not take care of repentance from the sins, in addition to turning away from sin in the future, Satan will get an increasingly firm grasp on our lives and our Free Will.

I am not plagued by different sins each time, but routinely the same one, because I have failed to turn away from the sin. Thus, my failure to turn away demonstrates to Satan that I am more than willing to throw away my relationship in the Lord for a moment's pleasure, or a moment's revenge. Therefore, I am not lamenting that each time I cross that sinful line I deride myself once again. I am adamant that I will overcome the sin, only to be face new temptations. But better new temptations and a new demonstration to Satan that I am not satisfied with his empty promises of fragmented bliss.