At this time of year, people start to reflect on the past year.
I figure, why look back? Christ calls us to follow Him in every part of our lives: as children of Him and our parents, as relatives (aunts, uncles, cousins, daughters, sons), as active members of society, and so forth. Therefore, if He leads us forward, what need have we to look back? Surely, we should not look back longingly.
Looking ahead at my new, clean and blank slate...I see the need for a New Year's Resolution. The one I made for 2006 was to have read, understand and applied a passage to my life: Ephesians 4: 31 - 5: 20. This year, I know what I am looking for, but not exactly where it is in the New Testament. That's why I'm posting about it, but not typing it out for you. It's along the lines of Philippians 4: 4 and Ephesians 6: 18 - 20; however, it is the passage where we're instructed to pray without ceasing, praise and supplication in all things. In all, I think its not more than 2 verses! I have to read/skim to find it.
A-hunting I will go! ... Well, after I take the GRE exam this Saturday morning.
A Blessed New Year's to you!!
Do you have resolution(s) to make?