Monday, June 7, 2010

How to Teach Confirmation Year 2??

That's my issue to figure out during the summer.  I taught Confirmation 1 this year, and I follow my kids into the following year.  It's been trying to teach a class that is so mixed: some have Faith, others do not; some have family that encourage a meaningful practice of faith, others not; some have a relationship with God; others are ambivalent or worse.

I want them to be confirmed next May with a true Catholic faith, knowing the basic prayers, understanding our Faith and foundation of Truth and Tradition.

But how do I teach a loving, giving relationship with God?

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Prayer Request

Please keep my grandfather in your prayers. The doctors think he had a stroke and they are doing tests this week. He's lost a lot of weight and not doing well at all.
