“Those who are well do not need physician, but the sick do. I did not come to call the righteous but sinners.” Mark 2:17
If one is ill, what does it do to the person? Things go awry biologically and the body goes into overdrive trying to purge itself of the impurities, the disease, the bacteria. So, too the Soul. How does one person come to purge their soul of impurities and sinful ways? St John the Baptist tells us the first thing to be done is repentance because the Kingdom of God is at hand, now is the time (Mt 3:2). Repentance and true sorrow for sin before God is how the Soul heals itself.
“A good person brings forth good out of a store of goodness, but an evil person brings forth evil out of a store of evil.” Matthew 12:35
Just as the body heals itself biologically and neurologically from an illness, to create immunity, the Soul has to show internal changes. One of many ways for the status of a Soul to be judged is by its fruit. Christians have to be on guard to ensure that worldly anxiety, the lure of riches, and the craving for other things do not intrude and choke the Word (Mk 4:18-19). The Soul invariably becomes focused on God, but St Paul cautions, that just as an infant cannot consume solid food, so too the new Believer cannot produce stupendous works immediately.
However there are some immediate changes that need to be made. Love needs to be extended towards each and every person, just as God indiscriminately died for and loves each one of us into Being (Jn 15:17). From sorrowful repentance to God, we are charged to change our evil ways. For St Paul reminds the Church in Corinth that fornicators, idolaters, adulterers, boy prostitutes, sodomites, thieves, the greedy, drunk or slanderous will not enter the kingdom of God. The Saint goes on to say that “such were you, but now you are sanctified.” The statement of the members of Corinth’s church were once sinners, but they have since put that sinful lifestyle behind them, shows how God charges, almost commands us to change.
Only those who observe the Law of God are justified, not merely those who hear it. Therefore, there is a huge difference between those who call Christ their Lord and try to change their lifestyle for Him, and those who have these Truths go in one ear and out the other. The Law needs to be practiced, just as much as it is taught. (Romans 2:13).
What is God’s Law? Better yet, the Bible is much clearer on what it is not. It is not homosexuality, wickedness, evil, murder, treachery, slander, gossip, looseness, promiscuity, greed, malice, envy, rivalry, spite, sloth, vanity, pride, and worldliness.
So what are Christians to do? To repent, be baptized, and take on the light and sweet yoke of Christ. In other words, don’t look back.