Friday, March 9, 2007


I have been smelling the scent of Jasmine in various places for about a month. I thought nothing of it until three nights ago I was waiting for the parking center tram and smelled jasmine. There was no wind and I'd been sitting there for about 10 minutes and there hadn't been any scent when I first sat down.

I've also had it at my dresser where I have a statue of the Virgin Mother along with a candle, a cross, and some dried flowers. These flowers have no scent. It smells like lavender because I have dried lavender sprigs and lemon verbena at her feet. However, neither smell anything like jasmine. Last night I went to my dresser, smelled nothing.

Last night waiting for the tram 20 minutes. Did not smell anything for about 15 minutes, then a slight inhale of it and it was gone. Then right before the tram came it was there again, enough so that Monkey noticed. I have walked by the stop many times in the daytime and nighttime and there are no jasmine plants nearby. It doesn't always smell like jasmine either.

I have no idea what this means, if it has a significance or not. Ancient_Scribe suggested I pray about it. However, I don't understand this scent, so ... someone care to clue me in?

1 comment:

Hidden One said...

I honestly have no clue offhand about the Jasmine. I will, however, pray about it, and maybe someone will 'figure it out'.

-Hidden One

PS: The last two segments of 'Alone' are up at Written in Memories - I knwo you liked the first ten parts, now there are thirteen.