I have been thinking about the Divine Mercy recently. Others have been writing about it in their posts and I was so enamored with it when I was first directed towards it last year. While I found it easy to adapt to the Rosary beads and the new prayers, I have since found the simplicity of the of the decade bead prayers to be full of depth.
A long while has passed since the last time I found prayer painful. In fact, when I did used to find prayer painful it was because I despised God, so this kind of pain is not related.
Perhaps pain is not the right word to use, but I also cannot say that the pain dwells only in my soul. Maybe it's the closest we can get to begging God without actually begging, although I certainly have done that!
But I really need to go, I have a paper due on Thursday and I am merely procrastinating here while I conjucture what it is that I feel each time I pray the Divine Mercy. All I know is that I avoid it. Prayed the DM yesterday with a group before the Blessed Sacrament and before the first 'decade' I was so close to tears that I could hardly finish the decade. If it hadn't been for the recitation of the group I do not think I would have finished praying it on my own.
have you ever encountered similar problems in prayer?
I only wish I did!
A good Los Angeles Catholic blogger who is a devotee of DM, posted on her blog http://somehavehats.typepad.com/ today ( 10/27/07 ), "Something Sacred..." Fr Anthony Bus', CR, biography about his priestly vocation and his devotion to the Divine Mercy prayer. Hope Fr Bus inspires you to persevere with the DM chaplet.
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