Thoughts of thanks right now:
- for the ability to freely express thanks and speech without censor
- for each and every one of YOU my friends online and off-line
- for my family and relatives and all the different ways they shape and form my life
- for the basic things to live life like sight, hearing, taste, touch and scent
- for a roof over my head, blankets on my bed, and things strewn around my room
- for change in my wallet and leftovers in the refrigerator
- the passage of Prop 8
I started to put together a list like this the evening of adoration at the SMMEs. This one says:
- "Blessed I thank You for:
- the gift of vocation
- the graces
- the gift of my parents
- sight and hearing
- the silence
- for leading me home
- for my sister
- the mystery
- the beatific vision
- Your mother
- La Virgen de Gaudalupe miracle
- for life
- for the course of my life
- the cult experience
- the gift of education
- the gift of desiring You
- the Church
- those who were able to lead me home August 2005: Mike, Fr. Aaron, Pat Ku, Christie Swanson, Jenny Schwartzkoff, and all others who were online friends at that time, and Sumer Alvarez, for which I would not have been at Mass if it weren't for her death and funeral.
This week I've heard "thanks" from patients:
- for giving hope
- for re-focusing
- for teaching its all right to ask God for things (not just praise; ask and ye shall recieve)
- for calming them
- for letting them know that people care
- for companionship
Last night driving home I tried to think of the ONE thing I am thankful for: the gift that God gives us all in His own time and in our spiritual readiness - the ability to desire Him and return it.
Happy and Blessed Thanksgiving
1 comment:
hey :) you found my blog! thanks for visiting. i tried to follow your blog but it says there's no feed? :( anyway i like your blog about thankfulness. hope you had a great thanksgiving. God bless you!
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