Tuesday, January 6, 2009

High Price for Vocation

I'm approxiamately 2 weeks away from submitting my application for entrance to the Sisters of Mary, Mother of the Eucharist. I'm waiting to set up a time with my Spiritual Director to review it and get the physical exam done as well.

After that, I can send it in.

Of course, there's a but to be expected. I know that if God can handle my salvation, He can handle $46,700 in student loans.

I know of two resources:

But are there others? Are there certain patron Saints I could appeal to?


Adoro said...

St. Rita, St. Expedito, St. Martin de Porras (and he's Dominican!) He helped his sisters obtain a dowry so they could be married.

Adoro said...

Oh, and pray the Litany of the Dominican Saints.

There is a saying: "Beware the litanies of the Dominicans."

If you're not familiar with the story, you will be! lol

Brantigny said...

Perservere, your reward is Heaven and the Face of Christ.

Dieu le Roy!
