Sunday, October 31, 2010

I should pray the Rosary to improve my relationship with Jesus. However, I find myself praying the Rosary mostly in times of extreme stress because the Rosary has a wonderful calming effect. Is there benefit even though it was for the wrong reasons?

Why should it be wrong for Jesus or His Mother to comfort you? Mary has many titles, one of them being "Our Lady of Mental Peace."

While Jesus & Mary would like to hear from you on a more frequent basis, I'd say do what you can. I can't say the Rosary daily, it feels too routine; you've heard it said it's a 'weapon' - I use the Rosary for intercession. I have my little prayers & my favorite saints. So long as you keep the lines of communication open. What you "should do" gets easier with time. Pray a hail mary daily or do a decade per week. No ones expecting the 15 decade.

Here's the prayer that I mentioned above - you may like it: "O Lady of Mental Peace, Mother of Tranquility & Mother of Hope, look upon me in this time of my weakness and unrest. Teach my searching heart to know that God's Love for me is unchanging and unchangeable; and, that true human love can only begin and grow by touching His Love. Let your gentle Peace - which this world cannot give - be always with me. And, help me to bring this same Peace into the lives of others. Our Lady of Mental Peace, Pray for me!"

Ask me anything

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