My girlfriend's husband had the first draft of her novel professionally printed and bound, as a gift for Christmas. It's a rocking 363 pages and I read the first 8 chapters this evening between 4:30 and 10:30pm. Not exactly speed reading, but the chapters are dense.
It's time I actually finish one of my three works-in-progress (WIP). I've got NaNo09, AugNo09, and NaNo10 to work on. NaNo09, I kid you not, is hidden under the mattress, since my mother found it last summer and "read" one scene and has since made wild accusations (like usual). I'm not bothering to correct her. AugNo09 is back story for one of my characters in NaNo09, since he was too flat. NaNo10 is actually a re-drafting of a novel I started before NaNo09.
This is the banner for NaNo 2009:
The Banner for NaNo 2010:
I am playing around with different ideas: (a) shifting temporarily the focus of this blog, (b) shutting down the wordpress and (c) using my professional email to start a writing blogspot, or (d) putting my work on Xanga and thereby shifting the entire focus of that blog.
I like the Wordpress since it gets different traffic, but it doesn't have the instant built-in community setting of Xanga, nor am I able to protect my writing from copycats. I could shut down the Wordpress and open a defunct blog on my other email just for writing purposes and have it readable by invite-only which is only slightly less controlled than Xanga. I could, lastly shift the focus of my current Xanga blog to writing.
I'm babbling.
Hmmm, I had a Xanga, but that was pre-conversion days, lol.
Hmmmm, you could do that, I took my normal e-mail use and started my blogger account for general blogging.
So for now I'm running 2 blogs, it could be more depending
@Joe - Well, I think I want to shut down my Wordpress and control who sees my work. So I could do a blogger with a password/invite and let all my readers here see it. Or I could do Xanga. However I'm tiring of Xanga -- things are rocky over there at the moment. I'm in good relation with my readers, but Xanga is a little seedy right now. It's not someplace I want to be.
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