Monday, February 28, 2011

Introverted Ideas

I have a few ideas.

  • Introverts probably aren't good for therapy since we've done all the analysis; we just need the untangling.  However, we've done so much analysis and it seems to apparent to us, that we're shocked you just don't fully grasp it yet.
  • Being friends with an introvert requires one-on-one time.  Seek us out, we won't be seeking you out for dinner or parties, unless it's small and intimate.
  • Introverts - for the uneducated blog-reader - are not shy, quiet, or anti-social.  We practice under the idea, that just as you would not show your cards during a game of poker, we don't show our thoughts.  Why give away what you don't deserve the right to see/know?  And why would I show my cards [thoughts] until they've percolated properly?  
  • Being found trustworthy by an introvert is like blood-ties.  Our social circle is small, but tight.  Getting in is hard, getting out depends on how quick you are to disrespect our boundaries.
  • We recharge out batteries (spiritually, emotionally, socially) in solitude and/or quiet.  Sometimes we need time to just be completely and entirely alone.  This isn't being socially withdrawn, this is natural for us.

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