Friday, February 17, 2006

Oh. I see that my bluntness has scared you away once again. Funny how that happens, isn't it? Once someone reveals the evils they know, and why they are known to that particular person you don't want to have anything to do with that person. Look, folks it's not contagious! Besides, if you back away from your sister in Christ, doesn't that say something about how much you stand in your faith? You're supposedly willing to take on the Liberals, but...

You have got to be willing to take the fire, to withstand the heat, even if it means that your eyebrows get singed. If we are instructed to either be hot or cold, but most definitely not lukewarm; then I say, bring on the heat. It's like cold ice cream or hot soup. How would you like lukewarm soup or hot ice cream, and it's not merely melted, but hot?

At least I entered the fire, and survived by the Will of God. I know the heat like you don't know. I am willing to fight it. But if you can't bring yourself near to someone who has survived it, how on earth are you going to get close enough to the source to fight it? Or fight it with the vengeance you ought to be fighting it with?

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