Wednesday, June 28, 2006

I met with local Los Angelinos, who are members of Opus Dei this past Saturday at Our Lady of Angels Cathedral to celebrate the feast day of Sts. Josemaria Escriva and John the Baptist. I have to say that Opus Dei is a very nice organization that emphasizes work and the laity all being called to holiness by God, not just those entering a religious vocation. However, after meeting with them, something feels missing and incomplete about them - my soul was not at "home."

I am considering other organizations, lay orders, and perhaps even the sisterhood. As with all things concerning discernment I am terribly uncertain as to what God desires me to do in my life for Him. Issues lie in my personal dreams - I would like a family - however everything about me socially and personally screams out that I cannot bear to date, or get to know men. Nor am I able to interact with children. All are a blessing to whom they come, but am I to be a mother?

Pray for me that the noise of the material world and the wishes and wants of my family would die down long enough for me to hear what God desires of me. I'll pray for you in turn.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Prayers are with you Megan.