Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Thought of the Day II

Hanging out on the INTJf with more than 3 drinks in me is nutters ... since we're discussing INTJ preferences on PB 'n' J. =)  Like who knew that an almond butter existed ... yummers

I feel like I'm swimming in bed, more than I already usually do with migraines. I'll be sleeping like a rock tonight.

I hate Christmas shopping. Wish we could really turn back to tenebrae (spelling?) and just waiting.  Perfume and crap.  I don't really want to bother with a crummy list that isn't going to be remembered a year, let alone ten years from now.  Gimme a real request.

Thinking about the gifts of the Holy Spirit. How much does yours cost you?  If nothing, you ain't using it right. Trust me.

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